Rock River Student/Parent Handbook

Table of Contents

School Mission Statement ….................................................................................................2

School Vision Statement........................................................................................................2

School Song, Mascot, Colors …............................................................................................2

Activities, athletics, clubs .....................................................................................................2

Notice of Non –Discrimination …………………………………………………………….3

Four-Day Week ….................................................................................................................4

Daily Bell Schedule …...........................................................................................................4

Attendance …........................................................................................................................4

General Information

Accidents ……………………………………………………………………………….…7

Accident Insurance …………………………………………………………………….….8

Bicycles ……………………………………………………………………………….…..8

Bus, transportation, student parking, Activity bus………….………………………….….8

Cell phone, electronic devices …………………………………………………………..…8

Cheating/Plagiarism …………………………………………………………………….…8

Class Organizations, Meetings ……………………………………………………….…...8

Campus Occupancy ………………………………………………………………….........8

Dances …………………………………………………………………………….……….9

Discipline ……………………………..………………………………………...……,,,..9-15

Field Trips …………………………………………………………………………..…….15

Grades and Grading ……………………………………………………………………….15

Graduation Requirements …………………………………………………………..……..15

Hathaway Scholarship ……………………………………………………………..……...16

Home-Bound Instruction ……………………………………………………………….....16

Inclement Weather/School Closure/Early Release/Virtual (snow)Day …………………..16

Internet Access ……………………………………………………………………….…...17

Lockers …………………………………………………………………………….……...17

Lost and Found …………………………………………………………………………....17

Lunch Supervision …………………………………………………………………..……17

Medications ……………………………………………………………………….………18

Progress Reports/Report Cards/PowerSchool …………………………………………....18

Promotion Standards, Grades 7 and 8 ……………………………………………………18

Public Displays of Affection ……………………………………………………………..19

Safe Schools ……………………………………………………………………………...19

Scheduling (dual enrollment, study hall, etc.) …………………………………...…….…19

Students – 18 years of Age ……………………………………………………………….19

Transfer students ………………………………………………………………………….20

Valedictorian / Salutatorian ……………………………………………………………....20

Visitors ……………………………………………………………………………………21

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination …………………………………………...……..21



Welcome back Rock River Families! Rock River School provides a very unique opportunity for students in Albany County. Its rural setting allows for smaller class sizes and strong student - teacher relationships. Our staff at Rock River consists of dedicated teachers that genuinely care about preparing students both academically and socially. We are a strong community that supports one another each and every day. We look forward to students returning to school and are committed to a “Rock Solid” educational experience!

Stacie Anfinson – Principal


The mission of Rock River School is to develop college and career-ready students by delivering a Rock Solid education.


Providing a rigorous curriculum using effective teaching skills by empowering students to communicate effectively, to apply knowledge, and to be independent in order to achieve academic, personal and career success

As a student, you also have the responsibility of preparing yourself each day for class. Your teachers will be better able to meet your needs as a student when you are engaged in your education. Following the guidelines in this handbook will give you the tools to be successful as a student at Rock River and prepare you for what comes after this stage of your life. 


When those Rock River Longhorns fall in line. You know we’ll sock it to them every time. We’re gonna yell and yell and yell and yell, oh, for the R-O-C-K-R-I-V-E-R.

We’re gonna fight, fight, fight for victory. We’re gonna circle round and hit them hard. We’re gonna roll our opponents on the floor, out the door, fight, fight, fight.


Royal Blue and White




There are several activities, athletics and clubs available at Rock River. Students have the unique opportunity to participate in these activities without exclusion. There is plenty of evidence to confirm that when students are active in participating in these opportunities, they are more likely to succeed in school. We encourage every student to participate in some way in the activities provided. Activities at Rock River consist of athletics; volleyball, cross country, boys and girls basketball and track. Activities and clubs are;  student council, FFA, music, Drama, Rock River Empowerment and Diversity Squad, Podcast, & Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Participation in these activities may be governed by the eligibility rules of the school. Those activities that are governed by the WHSAA and eligibility rules are volleyball, cross-country, basketball, track, FFA, Drama,  and student council. (See Activity Handbook)

 Annual Public Notice of Nondiscrimination

This notice shall serve to advise students, parents, employees, and the general public that ACSD #1 does not discriminate in any manner because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or age in its programs and activities. ACSD#1 Career and Technical Education (CTE) department does not discriminate in enrollment or access to any of the programs or activities available, including, but not limited to computer technology, business and marketing, agriculture, culinary arts, woodworking, child development, automotive, health sciences, and engineering principles. CTE course descriptions are described in the LHS, WHS, and RRHS curriculum guides and made available online ( The lack of English language skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in the activities and programs. Albany County School District #1 also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.

This notice is provided as required by the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information may be forwarded to the designated ACSD#1 compliance coordinators. Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and ADA may be referred to Albany County School District #1 and also be made to the Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII, U.S. Department of Education, Federal Building, Suite 310, 1244 Speer Blvd., Denver, Colorado 80204-3582, (303)844-5695 or TDD (303) 844-3417,

Inquiries related to compliance with this notice may be addressed to:

Jeffery Lewis – Director of Student Services which includes being the Title IX Coordinator and Section 504 Coordinator (relating to discrimination based on disability)

509 S.9th St,

Laramie, WY 82070


OR you can contact:

Office for Civil Rights

1244 Speer Blvd., Suite 310

Denver, CO 80204-3582


Individuals with concerns or questions regarding discrimination in the provision of employment are advised to contact Scott James – Director of Human Resources, 1948, Grand Ave., Laramie, WY, 82070,, (307)-721-4400.

In addition, individuals with concerns regarding equitable access should also contact Scott James – Director of Human Resources, 1948, Grand Ave., Laramie, WY, 82070,, (307)-721-4400.

Four Day Week Schedule

Rock River School will operate on a four-day week schedule. Our calendar has been approved by the state and the school board for the 2023-2024 & 2024-2025 school years. Every two years we will apply for a four day week schedule. As stakeholders, you will be invited to participate in hearings or question and answer sessions about the process during the renewal cycle. Notifications for such meetings will be emailed and posted on our website.  

Rock River School Daily Schedules 2024-2025

Secondary Daily Schedule

Advisory 7:42-7:55

1st Period 7:59-8:56

2nd Period 9:00-9:57

3rd Period 10:01-10:58

4th Period 11:02-11:59

Lunch 11:59-12:30

5th Period 12:34-1:31

6th Period 1:35-2:32

7th Period 2:36-3:33

Designated Day For I&E Schedule (Every Tuesday and Thursday)

Advisory 7:42-7:55

1st Period - 7:59-8:51

2nd Period - 8:55-9:47

3rd Period - 9:51-10:43

4th Period - 10:47-11:39 

Lunch - 11:39-12:10

5th Period - 12:14-1:06

6th Period - 1:10-2:02

7th Period - 2:06-2:58

I&E Period - 3:03-3:33


Attendance at school is vital to your education. It is expected that you are in class to receive the full benefit of the instruction and feedback you receive from instructors. It is necessary to emphasize the four-day week calendar for Rock River School is 152 days. We encourage parents to make appointments on Fridays as much as possible. Scheduling appointments or taking kids out of school during the week decreases our ability to instruct students appropriately. Students, who are absent, will need to wisely determine the importance of missing school.  Students and parents must be aware that excused absences and unexcused absences have the same effect in the learning process. It is difficult to educate our students when they are not here. These are defined by state statute two different types of absences; excused and unexcused. Excused absences may include; school sponsored activities, medical reasons, i.e. illness and surgeries, family emergencies or absences that have been approved by the administration. Unexcused absence means the absence of any child required by the article [W.S. 21-4-10] to attend school when such absence is not excused to the satisfaction of the board of trustees by the parent, guardian, or other person having control of such child. [ACSD #1 BOE Section 4 #4006]

A prearranged absence may be approved by the administration if all of the following items are completed: otherwise it will be considered an unexcused absence. 

  1. Parents must notify office staff (administrative assistants, principal, or counselor) as soon as possible. Preferably 48 hours/2 school days prior to the absence taking place. 

  2. Office staff will issue a Prearranged Absence Form to the student once parent permission has been sustained. 

  3. The student must present the Pre Arranged Absence Form to each of their teachers for signatures and to receive future assignments. It is expected that the assignments will be completed either before the absence if possible, or at least upon return. 

  4. The student must return the completed form to the office prior to leaving the building for the prearranged absence. A copy will be provided to the student for them to reference. 

Reporting Absences of Students

Parents must notify the school of their child’s absence the day of their absence. The school will notify the parent after 8:30am of their student’s absence by phone or electronic message to ensure that parents are aware of the student's absence. Attendance will be recorded in PowerSchool for the student and the parent to be able to track attendance. If we do not hear from a parent/guardian, the absence will be coded as “Unexcused”. Questions about a student’s attendance should be directed to the administration. Students who are tardy must report to the main office to receive an admittance slip. If the student is more than 20 minutes late it will be considered an absence for that period. 

Check Out Procedure

Rock River School is a closed campus school. Students may leave only with parent permission. These absences may be determined to be excused or unexcused. Students must check out with the office when they leave for any reason, and they must check in when they return to school the same day. If arrangements have been made by a parent/guardian in advance, a student may be dismissed during his/her lunch period to go off campus with the parent/guardian. At no time are students allowed to leave school with anyone other than parents or legal guardians without parental permission.

Make up work for absences

We encourage all students to make up missed work due to absences. It is expected that make up work is completed in a timely manner following the absence. If the assignment is given on the day of the absence the student has one day to complete the assignment upon their return. If the student received the assignment before the absence, it is reasonable to expect that the assignment should be completed the day of the student’s return. Deadlines for makeup work will be established by the classroom teacher.

Rock River Attendance Policy

Attendance at Rock River school is a highly valued characteristic. The attendance policy will be as follows:

School sponsored absences or district mandated absences are not included in the total accumulation of absences. Absences will include both excused and unexcused absences

  1. Student attendance is monitored daily by administrative assistants in the office. Parents are encouraged to call in to notify the school if their child is absent. If a child is absent, and we have not received information from parents/guardians, a phone call will be made from the school. If the school does not have direct contact with a family regarding an absence, it will be coded as “Unexcused”. 

  2. The parent or guardian will be notified formally when their student has been absent for 5 days. This will be by letter. 

  3. Upon accumulating 10 excused absences, a district form letter will be mailed home to notify the parents/guardians of the student absences. This letter will have information regarding the compulsory attendance state statute. A doctor’s note may be required for further absences. And additional support from Big Brothers Big Sisters may be implemented.  

COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE:  The Wyoming Education code of 1969 As Amended W.S. Section 21-4-102, Every parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of any child who is a resident of this state and whose seventh birthday falls on or before September 15 of any year and who has not yet attained his sixteenth birthday or completed the tenth grade shall be required to send such child to, and such child shall be required to attend, a public or private school each year, during the entire time that the public schools shall be in session in the District in which the pupil resides. 

Extracurricular Activities and Dances

Students are to be in attendance the day of the activity or contest. Students who are not in attendance the day of the contest will not be allowed to participate unless the administrator has approved the absence. Approval of absences the day of the contest must be prior to the absence. Exceptions include a doctor’s note or a pre-approved absence by an administrator.  

Tardy Policy

A tardy, (T ) is considered not excused when the student arrives to class late without a signed excuse from school personnel.  The following Tardy Consequences are based on tardies per class. Consequences are outlined in the matrix once they have earned an office referral (pg 12). Please note, tardies reset every 9 weeks. 

Classroom Procedures for tardies:

  • 1st Tardy- Teacher encourages student to get to class on time. 

  • 2nd Tardy- Teacher conferences with student and re-teaches attendance expectations. 

  • 3rd Tardy- Teacher contacts via phone call parent/guardian and assigns classroom lunch detention - Log the communication into PowerSchool       

  • 4th Tardy +- Teacher writes an office referral. Office referral consequences follow matrix on page 12.

PowerSchool Tardy Codes:

T = Showed up within 10 minutes of attendance bell - anything longer than 10 minutes, please add a note in the attendance box what time they arrived.



An absence is considered truant when the student intentionally and deliberately failed to report to an assigned class or classes without reasonable cause. (The absences listed below are per class periods.) 10% of semester = 8 class periods


PowerSchool Unexcused Absence Codes:

U = Unexcused Absence of student under the age of sixteen

X = Truant - Unexcused Absence of student over the age of sixteen



“Habitual truant” means any child with 5 or more unexcused absences in any 1 school year. The process for interventions and supports will follow the same procedures for excessive absences outlined on page 5. Supportive measures from County agencies may be available for parents and students and are encouraged if your student reaches this level of absences. 

Steps for intervention:

  1. School letters to notify parents/guardians of the student with unexcused absences. The number of absences will be outlined in the letter.

  2. Interventions from county agencies will be extended to families in need of supporting their child getting to school regularly and attending classes.

  3. Documentation can/will be provided to the county attorney if needed for a compulsory attendance case. 

  4. School will initiate a meeting with parents/guardians to develop an attendance plan for the student. The attendance plan will outline the supports the school can provide as well as outside resources. 

  5. Failure to comply with the attendance plan will result in the student returning to their home school in Laramie. If the student is a Rock River student, all documentation will be available for the county attorney. 

Proper Documentation of Truancy Intervention

To successfully prove a case in court, School Officials, District Attendance Officer, School Resource Officer, and outside agencies must document every action undertaken in a potential truancy case.  Therefore, the school shall maintain the following information for eligible students: Attendance records.

Log of phone calls to and from parents/guardians pertaining to attendance. Copies of any electronic communication between school officials and parents/guardians. All documentation including letters sent by school officials to parents/guardians. All contacts with the parent/guardian and/or child, school officials, medical personnel, or any other individuals with knowledge of the truant. The person involved in said contacts with eligible students. The time, date, and location of said contacts. A summary of what was said or done during the contacts. Medical documentation or any other document provided that may support an absence. A copy of all documentation received from contacts. A copy of any attendance plans created by an outside agency.

Monitoring progress

After the eligible student has entered the Early Truancy Intervention Program, the outside agency will send the Attendance Plan to the student’s school so that School Officials can monitor compliance with the Attendance Plan. The District Attendance Officer and the outside agency will meet monthly to discuss cases in the Early Truancy Intervention Program. After an eligible student completes the Early Truancy Intervention Program, School Officials will continue to monitor attendance and send quarterly reports to the District Attendance Officer for the remainder of the academic year. These reports should at least include the following: School attendance record, Whether the student is passing school, Whether the student is on track for graduation, Any arrests or contacts with law enforcement.

Initiating Legal Intervention

If at any point the District Attendance Official requests to pursue court action instead of the process as outlined in the Process of Intervention for Truancy, they will contact the Albany County and Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. A determination will be made at a meeting between the Prosecutor Liaison and the District Attendance Officer as to whether any further investigation or information is necessary and whether court action should ultimately be taken against the eligible student for truancy or the parent/guardian for educational neglect.  The Prosecutor’s Office will file the petition on behalf of the School District in any formal juvenile court matter. 

Note – Modifications may be made in the above procedures for students covered by compulsory attendance laws.  SRO’s are not to be involved in truancy issues unless directed by the district attendance officer and/or the County Attorney.

General Information


Students must report any accident that they have at school to their teacher. The teacher will send the student to the office for evaluation and referral as needed. The teacher will fill out an Accident Injury Report and give it to the office. The office will finish the report with their findings and give it to the principal. If students get hurt when there is not a teacher available, they should go directly to the office for evaluation. The office will fill out the Accident Injury Report. 

Accident Insurance

The school district attempts to provide safe conditions in the schools in order to protect students from injury. The district, however, does not carry insurance to cover medical or hospital costs in case of accidents to students. If parents wish to do so they may secure student accident insurance, which is available. Contact the office for more information. 


Students bringing bicycles to school are encouraged to provide a means by which the bicycle may be secured.  (Padlocks, locking chain, etc.) Bicycles must be parked out of the traffic pattern of the front doors of the school. The school is not liable for damage or loss of bicycles left on school property.  

Bus, transportation, student parking

Riding the bus to and from Rock River is a privilege. Students from Laramie are expected to ride the bus to and from school.  Riding on the bus is an extension of the school day. Student behavior is subject to the rules of the transportation department, but will be handled according to Rock River School Discipline Record. Parents should be aware that students who choose to drive from Laramie to Rock River are liable for their safety. Viable transportation is provided by the school district, therefore students who drive to school are liable for their own safety. Student parking is provided in the student parking lot. 

Bus, Activity 

The state is requiring schools to minimize bussing and its greatest impact is on activity buses. It may be necessary for parents and students to arrange rides from Rock River to Laramie after home games during the week. Home games on the weekend will require parents and students to provide their own transportation to and from Rock River. 

Cell Phones

Every teacher is required to develop guidelines about cell phone use in the classroom. These should be posted in the classroom and be included in class expectations. Since every student has a device for researching items online, there is no academic need for cell phones to be active during class. Students will be taught this expectation at the beginning of the school year. Violations for cell phone/technology are outlined by the district as “technology violations”. If a student accumulates multiple cell phone violations, they will lose the privilege of having a cell phone with them during the school day. Parents will be notified and an agreement will be made with parents/guardians as to where a student can keep their cell phone during school hours. Please refer to the matrix (pg 12).


Cheating and plagiarism have a negative impact on learning. Students are expected to produce their own work. Students who participate in cheating or plagiarism will be expected to rectify any and all work. Teachers may impose a consequence for these infractions that may require redoing the assignment or the teacher may give a zero for the project or assignment that cannot be made up.

Class Organizations and Meetings

Each grade level class in the secondary school will have a representative to attend student council meetings and to organize activities for the student body. Class meetings must be scheduled during lunch or after school. Class meetings during any other time during the day must be cleared by the administration. 

Campus Occupancy

Students are not allowed on campus without supervision from a school employee before 7:30 am and after 3:33 pm. Students who are here after school must be in an activity or in after school tutoring or supervised by a school employee. Students who are staying for after school activities must have a confirmation from their parents to stay with a school employee that has confirmed their sponsorship. Parents may be responsible for the transport of their children home after the activity. (There may not always be a bus.


Dances at Rock River School are open to grades 7-12 unless otherwise specified. There must always be at least two adult sponsors one of which must be a staff member, teacher or administrator. The dance must be approved by the administrator at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled event. Dances are for Rock River students, but students from other schools may attend by prior approval from the administrator. Students who wish to bring a guest from another school must have the guest approval form from the office filled out and signed by the administrator. School sponsored dances are governed by school policies. Students that misuse alcohol, drugs or tobacco will be referred to law enforcement and asked to leave the dance and parents will be contacted. Any students leaving the dance will not be permitted to reenter. Students who abuse controlled substances at any Rock River dance will not be allowed to attend any dances for the rest of the school year. 

Discipline Code

The Discipline Code will be in effect during school hours, on school district property, and at all school district sponsored functions and activities.

The Due Process procedure used is as follows:

1. The student will be informed of the charges against him/her.

2. The evidence against the student will be explained to him/her.

3. The student will be given an opportunity to explain the situation and/or his/her behavior.

Discipline Procedure

Rock River School is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all stakeholders. We are committed to promoting good behavior and students are expected to govern themselves accordingly in class and in the halls. Behavior at school sponsored activities is equally important. We encourage parents to support us in encouraging students to behave appropriately. The following general procedures will be followed at Rock River School: (See Behavioral Flowchart and Discipline Matrix in the Appendix)

1. Students who need redirection will be asked to be in compliance with the expected behaviors of the classroom, hallways and at activities. Immediate compliance is expected.

2. Students who do not respond to the redirection or who are multiple offenders will be subject to correction, which will include parental contact, and possibly, detention, parent conference, or appropriate consequence, such as cleaning up a mess they created. Consequences may vary based on the offense and the frequency of the behavior.

3. Students who do not respond to the correction will then be referred to the administrator. Minimum consequence is a conference with student, parent, teacher (if necessary) and administrator. The conference will determine the initial consequence and a plan of action to eliminate the behavior. Severity and duration of the consequence will be determined by the above mentioned discipline team. Consequences will include reflection essays and restorative practices to teach students more appropriate behavior at school. 

4. Students who either do not respond to step three, will be subject to consequences that may be more punitive in nature. Administrative responses to these students will be more intense in the interventions imposed upon the student. Parental contact will be notified throughout the process. Also, students who violate matters of the law as defined above will start at this level and may be subject to in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension and or ACES. (See Discipline Record in the Appendix).

Please refer to Albany County School District policy on the district website, concerning discipline or contact the administrator at Rock River School.

MAJOR INCIDENTS – DEFINITIONS - These are office referral infractions

Illicit Drug Related:

Drug-related incidents are incidents involving possession or use of substances that include tobacco or illicit drugs (including steroids, all prescription drugs for which the student does not have a prescription and inappropriate use of nonprescription drugs and other substances).  Drug related incidents will include the following:

  • Possession or use of marijuana, hashish, or other cannabinoids on school grounds.

  • Other illicit drugs possession or use on school grounds.

  • Being under the influence of marijuana or illicit drugs on school grounds.

  • Tobacco possession or use on school grounds.

  • Inappropriate use of medication on school grounds.

  • Trafficking or possession for sale of marijuana or other illicit drugs on school grounds.

Alcohol Related

Alcohol –related incidents are incidents where students:

  • Possessed or used alcohol on school grounds.

  • Were under the influence of alcohol on school grounds.

Weapons Possession

Weapons possession is the possession of one of the following items:

  • Handgun

  • Shotgun or Rifle

  • Other types of firearm (e.g., devices designed to expel a projectile, grenade, explosive).

  • Knife

  • Other sharp objects (e.g., razor blade, ice pick, Chinese star).

  • Other object (chain, brass knuckle, Billy club, stun gun)

  • Substance used as a weapon (mace, tear gas)

Violent Incident

Violent incidents may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Battery (physical attack or harm): Examples include striking that causes bleeding, broken nose, and kicking a student while he or she is down.  

  • Fighting (mutual altercation): Mutual participation in an incident involving physical violence where there is no major injury.

  • Harassment, nonsexual (physical, verbal, or psychological): Repeatedly annoying or attacking a student or group of students or other personnel that creates and intimidating or hostile educational or work environment.  Policy 4021 – Harassment, intimidation or bullying means any intentional gesture, and intentional electronic communication or any intentional written, verbal or physical act initiated, occurring or received at school that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of:

  1. Harming a student physically or emotionally, damaging a student’s property or placing a student in reasonable fear of personal harm or property damage

  2. Insulting or demeaning a student or group of students causing substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the schools; or

  3. Creating an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for a student or group of students through sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive behavior.

  • Harassment, sexual (unwelcome sexual conduct): Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, other physical or verbal conduct, or communication of a sexual nature, including gender-based harassment that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational or work environment.  Policy 4020 – Sexual is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, such as unwelcome sexual, or sex or gender-based conduct that denies or limits a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from a school’s education program.  Sexual harassment may include but is not limited to sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexual jokes, sexual graffiti or other verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.  Sexual harassment can occur adult to student, student to adult, student to student, male to female, female to male, male to male, and female to female.

  • Homicide (murder or manslaughter): Killing a human being.

  • Physical altercation, minor (pushing, shoving): Confrontation, tussle, or physical aggression that does not result in injury.

  • Robbery (taking things by force): Taking of, or attempting to take, anything of value that is owned by another person or organization under confrontational circumstances by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.  A key difference between robbery and theft is that the threat of physical harm or actual physical harm is involved in a robbery. 

  • School Threat (threat of destruction or harm): Any threat (verbal, written, or electronic) by a person to bomb or use other substances or devices for the purpose of exploding, burning, or causing damage to a school building or school property, or to harm students or staff.

  • Sexual battery (sexual assault): Includes rape, fondling, indecent liberties, child molestation.  Policy 4020 - Sexual violence is a form of sexual harassment and refers to physical sexual acts against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent (e.g., due to the student’s age or use of drugs or alcohol, or because an intellectual or other disability prevents the student from having the capacity to give consent).  A number of different acts fall into the category of sexual violence, including sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual abuse and sexual coercion.

  • Threat/intimidation (causing fear of harm): Physical, verbal, written, or electronic action which immediately creates fear of harm, without displaying a weapon and without subjecting the victim to actual physical attack.  (This category only includes verbal incidents that cause fear.  It does not include insubordination, lack of respect, defiance of authority, etc.)

Physical Injury

Incidents with injury include those in which one or more students, school personnel, or other persons on school grounds require professional medical attention.  Examples include stab or bullet wounds, concussions, fractured or broken bones, or cuts requiring stitches.


Other reasons for disciplining a student related to drug or alcohol use, weapons possession, or violence.

The Education Laws of Wyoming, Annotated states in Section 21-4-306 that “the following shall be grounds for suspension or expulsion of a child from a public school during the school year:

  1. Continued willful disobedience or open defiance of the school authority or school personnel;

  2. Willful destruction or defacing of school property;

  3. Any behavior which in the judgment of the local board of trustees is clearly detrimental to the education, welfare, safety, or morals of other pupil;

  4. Torturing, tormenting, or abusing a pupil or in any way maltreating a pupil or a teacher with physical violence.”

Based on the above legal foundation, students are advised that:

  1. If a student is a) willfully disobedient or openly defiant; b) willfully destroys or defaces school property; c) acts in a manner which is clearly detrimental to the education, welfare, safety, or morals of other pupils; d) tortures, torments, abuses, or maltreats another student with physical violence, that student may be suspended for ten (10) days and recommended for expulsion. 

  2. If, in the opinion of the administration, a student engages in the behaviors described in #1, but the administration does not believe the behavior warrants either ten (10) days suspension and/or possible expulsion, the student may be subjected to other less serious consequences as described in this handbook. 

  3. If a student engages in behavior, which is in violation of school rules but does not rise to the level required by state statute for suspension or expulsion, the student may be subjected to other less serious consequences as described in this handbook.

  4. The disciplinary consequences described in this handbook provide students, faculty, and administrators with guidelines for the application of the disciplinary consequences. Alternative strategies including less severe consequences than listed may be utilized at the administrator’s discretion. The administrator also has the authority to impose more serious consequences than those listed under Minor/Major Discipline Procedures should the circumstances be deemed to warrant such action.

Discipline Matrix Major Infractions

Discipline consequences for all major infractions will be assigned on a cumulative basis across infractions. Legal consequences may be pursued for each infraction. 


1st Offense Minimums

2nd Offense Minimums

3rd Offense Minimums

4th Offense        Board Action

Illicit Drug         Related

3 – 10 days ISS, OSS, ACES

5 – 10 days ISS, OSS, ACES

10 days OSS,

ACES, Stipulated

Agreement, Expulsion

Stipulated Agreement, Expulsion


3 – 10 days ISS, OSS, ACES

5 – 10 days ISS, OSS, ACES

10 days OSS,

ACES, Stipulated

Agreement, Expulsion

Stipulated Agreement, Expulsion

Violence Incident

3 – 10 days ISS, OSS, ACES

5 – 10 days ISS, OSS, ACES

10 days OSS,

ACES, Stipulated

Agreement, Expulsion

Stipulated Agreement, Expulsion

Physical Injury

3 – 10 days ISS, OSS, ACES

5 – 10 days ISS, OSS, ACES

10 days OSS,

ACES, Stipulated

Agreement, Expulsion

Stipulated Agreement, Expulsion

Other behavior

Related to drugs,

Alcohol, weapons,

Violence (4th 

Moderate Infraction

3 – 10 days ISS, OSS, ACES

5 – 10 days ISS, OSS, ACES

10 days OSS,

ACES, Stipulated

Agreement, Expulsion

Stipulated Agreement, Expulsion

Please note that any of these violations can be up to 10 days OSS, stipulated agreement, and recommendation for expulsion at the first offense - depending on severity.  

***Students assigned ISS will need to turn in their phones to the office during their ISS time.***

Discipline Matrix for Moderate  infractions 


1st Offense Minimums

2nd Offense Minimums

3rd Offense Minimums

4th Offense Minimums


1-3 Hours Detention

3-6 Hours Detention

1-5 Days ISS/OSS

1-7 Days ISS/OSS

Excessive Tardies/Truancy

1-3 Hours Detention

3-6 Hours Detention

1-5 Days ISS

1-7 Days ISS


1-3 Hours Detention

3-6 Hours Detention

1-5 Days ISS/OSS

1-7 Days ISS/OSS

Inappropriate Language

1-3 Hours Detention

3-6 Hours Detention

1-5 Days ISS/OSS

1-7 Days ISS/OSS

Cell Phone misuse

1-3 Hours Detention

3-6 Hours Detention

District Technology Violations Apply from first offense category

See Tech Violations Protocol

Repeated inappropriate behaviors

1-3 Hours Detention

3-6 Hours Detention

1-5 Days ISS/OSS

1-7 Days ISS/OSS

Unsafe behaviors

1-3 Hours Detention

3-6 Hours Detention

1-5 Days ISS/OSS

1-7 Days ISS/OSS

District Technology Violation Procedures: 

1st Offense - warning (this will include the above consequences for cell phone violations).

2nd Offense - loss of phone/device for 1 week. (At this point, this would technically be the 4th cell violation.)

3rd Offense - loss of phone/device for 2 weeks.  (At this point, this would technically be the 5th cell violation.)

4th Offense - loss of phone/device for a month.  (At this point, this would technically be the 6th cell violation.)

Further offenses may be lost for a semester.

Dress and Appearance

(ACSD#1 BOE Section 4 #4016):

Dress should never interfere with the learning environment of a school, or prove hazardous to the student’s safety or the safety of others and should be age appropriate.  The responsibility for the dress and grooming of a student rests primarily with the student and his or her parents or guardians; however, appropriateness of dress and appearance shall be determined by the building administrator. 

The following is the Students Dress Code for Albany County School District #1. 

Allowable Dress:

  • Students must wear clothing including both a shirt with pants, shorts, or skirt, or the equivalent and shoes.

  • Shirts and dresses must have fabric in the front and on the sides.

  • Clothing must cover undergarments.

  • Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, wood shop, and other activities where unique hazards exist.

  • Specialized courses may require specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear.

  • For after-school and extracurricular activities, students will be expected to dress in accordance with the nature of the activity.

Non-Allowable Dress:

  • Clothing will not denigrate others on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability.

  • Clothing, jewelry, accessories, or mode of appearance that denotes affiliation in any gang or violent group is prohibited.

  • Clothing, jewelry, or accessories that advertise or advocate illegal drugs, alcohol, weapons, or tobacco/nicotine are prohibited.  Clothing, jewelry or accessories that pose a risk to self or others are not allowed.

  • Clothing with obscene or suggestive images and/or messages are prohibited.

Food and Drink

  1. Food and drink may only be purchased before and after school and during lunchtime. Food and drink must be consumed in the cafeteria or in a designated classroom during breakfast and lunch times.

  2. Snacks and beverages throughout the day may be allowed in the classroom at the teacher’s discretion.

  3. Coffee and other beverages -please be careful when on carpeted floors. Be respectful of our school’s appearance. 


Fines may be assessed to students for lost combination locks, lost or damaged books, damage to school property, vandalism, etc. All students are expected to pay all their fines on or before the last day of school. As outlined by the Wyoming Education Code: “No credit for a course which has been completed successfully shall be denied a student who has earned it, provided such credit shall not be deemed earned until payment has been made for all indebtedness due to the school district.” Thus, access to grades will not be allowed until the fines are paid. If you have questions, please call the school at 378-2271.

Field Trips

Students participating in a field trip must have their online registration completed through PowerSchool by the parent/guardian. If you have questions, feel free to contact the school. If the field trip is part of the student’s classroom grade, the student will be expected to attend.  If the field trip is an extracurricular activity/field trip, the student must meet all requirements and expectations under the Athletic/Extracurricular Policy.

Grades and Grading

Teachers establish their own grading policies and classroom procedures. Students should make themselves aware of each teacher’s grading policies. Grades are designed to reflect the student’s understanding of the concepts to be mastered. Mastery of the concepts can be achieved when a student's efforts to achieve “A” marks are matched with ”A” effort. Rock River staff espouse the premise that all students can learn. The following is the grading scale for Rock River Jr./Sr. High School:

“A” = 90% and above

“B” = 80% - 89%

“C” = 70% - 79%

“D” = 60% - 69%

Courses in which a student’s grade is below a 60% will not receive credit for the course. If the course is a required course for graduation the student will be required to retake the course or an equivalency of the course to meet graduation requirements. 

The faculty at Rock River is dedicated to helping students achieve success in the school environment. Students that may be struggling with grades will be referred to the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support to provide them with interventions to assist them in their efforts to succeed. Students with teachers will develop appropriate interventions to help students succeed. Parental support in these strategies will be necessary to assist students in their progress. Interventions could include small groups, after school tutoring or other help as appropriate for the student’s needs. Studies show that when parents are involved in their student’s academic progress, students perform better. The four-day week allows for us as a staff to really focus on student needs. It will require parents and students to commit to academic achievement with us. 

Students whose grades are below a 65% will automatically be placed in either after school tutoring or a lunch time small group assistance to help them. Students will be released from this intervention as soon as their grades are above 69%. Eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities is dependent on grades. 

Grading, Cont.

See Activity Handbook. All tutoring or small group interventions for students with grades below a 65% take precedence over practice for athletics or other contests or practices for other activities. 

  • Honor Roll – Each semester students who achieve a 3.0 will be eligible for the honor roll. 

  • Principal's Honor Roll - Each semester students who achieve a 3.5 GPA will be eligible for this award.

  • Academic Letters - If a student maintains a 3.50 GPA or above for two consecutive semesters, he/she will be awarded an academic letter. This letter is similar in size and shape to the athletic letter and recognizes academic excellence. If a student continues to maintain a 3.50 GPA or above for an additional 2 consecutive semesters, an academic bar will be awarded. A student maintaining a 3.50 GPA or above for their four-year high school career would accumulate one academic letter and three academic bars. Students would be awarded at our annual academic awards ceremony in the spring.

  • Honors Graduates - Upon successful completion of the minimum required credits needed to earn a Rock River diploma, seniors have the opportunity to be recognized as honor graduates. Graduating students with a 3.5 Cumulative GPA will be awarded academic recognition cords. This GPA is determined after 7 semesters and is unweighted. 

Incomplete grades

The assignments for grades that have been designated as an incomplete on a report card must be made up within two weeks of the end of a grading period and the teacher must submit a grade change form within this time limit.  If there are extenuating circumstances, the teacher may file an extension form with the office designating the date when the incomplete grade will be changed.  With administrative approval, the extension can be granted for an additional few days.

Parent Inquiry About Classes/Grades

As a parent/guardian, if you ever have questions or concerns about a class or a grade, please contact the teacher. You can schedule an appointment with teachers either by emailing them or calling the school and making an appointment. By scheduling an appointment, teachers can ensure that they have time to be fully present and hear your questions or concerns. If there are further questions or concerns after you have contacted the teacher, and you have further questions/concerns, you can make an appointment with administration. 

Graduation Requirements

1.Eight semesters of attendance for graduates. 

Attendance: Students are required to be in attendance for seven periods at RRS.  Eight semesters of attendance, grade 9 through 12, are required for graduation for all graduates.

Alternatives to this procedure are limited to the following and must have administrative approval. Within the scope of the alternatives listed, no student will be allowed to take less than four classes and a study hall to receive credit for attendance.  Exceptions to Board Policy as implemented in this procedure must be approved by the Board of Education.

  • Work Release---Requires parent and employer written approval---seniors only.

  • Returning seniors---The attendance requirement must have been met.

  • Psychiatric/medical recommendation---Written recommendations will be included in the student's file.

  • Teenage mothers---Temporary basis only

  • Students on Homebound Instruction---To be on homebound instruction a student must be confined to home or hospital and a doctor’s written recommendation will be required.

Rock River High School 

Graduation Requirements Class of 2022 and beyond

Eight semesters of attendance (grades 9-12) 

25 credit hours earned in grades 9-12; 0.5 credits equal a semester class and 1.0 credit equals a yearlong class

Rock River High School 

Graduation Requirements Class of 2022 and beyond

Eight semesters of attendance (grades 9-12) 

25 credit hours earned in grades 9-12; 0.5 credits equal a semester class and 1.0 credit equals a yearlong class

•ENGLISH: 4 Credits/4 years. Coursework must include one semester of American    Literature (imbedded in Freshman English), one semester of English 10 (composition), one semester of literature, one semester of composition

•SCIENCE: 3 credits/3 years

•MATH: 3 credits/3 years

•SOCIAL STUDIES: 3 credits/3 years. Coursework must include American History: 1877-Present (Modern American Studies 1 & 2) and 1 year of Government (starting with the Class of 2020).

•PHYSICAL EDUCATION: 1.5 credits/1.5 years. Standards are met through both Individual/Dual Sport & Team Sport offerings OR Survey of Physical Education.

•HEALTH: 0.5 credits/0.5 year

•VOCATIONAL or FINE ARTS or WORLD LANGUAGE: 2 credit/2 years in one of the three content areas

Hathaway Scholarship

Students wishing to attend college in the state of Wyoming need to be aware of the scholarship opportunities that are available to them. Requirements for the Hathaway Scholarship are over and above the general requirements for graduation from Rock River High School. For more information you can visit

Home-bound Instruction

Any student enrolled at Rock River School who is injured or is ill and is required by his/her physician to be confined at home or in the hospital for more than five school days is upon written recommendation of the physician, eligible for the district’s Homebound Instruction Program.  Parents must contact the school to obtain a Homebound Application Form, which must be completed by the parent and physician and returned to the school for consideration by the Director of Special Services.  Upon completion of the form and approved by the district officials, a homebound teacher will be assigned.

Inclement Weather/ School Closures / Early Release/Snow Day

School Closure:  In the event of a serious storm, listen to our local radio stations for the announcement of school closure and make sure that you have enrolled on the district website for the school messenger. It is found towards the bottom of the home page. You will receive alerts directly to your phone that will inform you of school closures or late starts. Be aware there are days that I-80 is closed and WyDOT will also close highway 30 to keep the tractor trailers from accessing the road. They will give us clearance to travel the 

road based on the information they receive from their personnel, so that we can hold school. We make 

every effort to ensure student safety. The district utilizes a number of resources to determine a school closure. The decision to close schools comes from our superintendent, in cooperation with contacts throughout the county. Makeup days for school closures will be made up on the next convenient Friday. 

Early Release/Late Start - In case of inclement weather, the district and school will monitor road conditions and make transportation arrangements for students prior to road closures. Arrangements will be made to notify parents in case of early departures from school. Decisions for early release are also determined by the superintendent. Weather can also impact the morning and result in a late start. If we are able to schedule a late start, communication will go out to parents as soon as possible. Our late start bus schedule can be found here.  

Snow Day - If inclement weather occurs and a snow day is announced the school and the district will send out communication to all parents as soon as possible. Snow days will be made up at the end of the school year or on an available Friday.

Internet Access

Albany County School District #1 is committed to providing the best education possible to each student. Access to the internet is a privilege to each student. To safeguard each student’s experience with the internet the district guidelines for acceptable use is listed on the district website. It is located under Departments => technology => student guidelines. Students and guardians will sign the acceptable use agreement informing them of the policies set forth by the Albany County School Board on the infosnap. Students using the Internet at Rock River are required to read and submit their verification of accepting the conditions of the Internet agreement. Students who violate the acceptable use agreement will be subject to loss of privilege or other consequences as outlined in the discipline code.


Each student will be provided with a locker to store personal belongings and school supplies for the day. Locks will also be provided to help secure belongings upon student request. Students who share lockers with other students or who do not lock their lockers are responsible for anything stolen. It is advised that students leave valuable items at home or lock them in their lockers. 

Lockers are the property of the school

Students are responsible for the condition of their lockers. Lockers that are defaced or damaged are subject to fines for repair and painting, as determined by the custodial staff or administrator. 

Lockers may be searched at any time, by the administration, to recover school property, or if there is reasonable suspicion the locker contains illegal substances and/or other banned items such as weapons. Discovery of such items will be handled according to the discipline record for Rock River School. Personal locks placed on school lockers may be forcibly removed to examine the locker and its contents if necessary.

Lost and Found

Textbooks and other school property found in the building will be returned to the department or program to which the items belong. Personal items are kept in a public place outside the main office. Students will have a reasonable opportunity to retrieve any lost items. After a reasonable time lost personal items may be donated to those in need.


Lunch supervision

Students must be in the cafeteria, the lobby, the gymnasium or the library during lunch. Rock River School promotes a positive environment for exercise and or study during this time. Some students may be asked to serve absentee makeup or other detention consequences during this time. A teacher will be designated to serve as supervisor for this type of consequence.


Medications at School For safety and liability reasons, student medications need to be maintained and administered through the nurse’s office. The school nurse does not stock any non-emergent medications at school for students (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough drops, Tums, etc.). If students need to take over-the-counter medications at school, a medication administration form MUST be completed and signed by the parent. If a student needs to take prescription medication at school, a medication administration form must be completed and signed by both a physician and a parent. The completed form(s) and a supply of the medication in its original container must be kept in and administered from the nurse's office. Some prescription medications (inhaler, EpiPen) may be kept with the student however, the proper documentation MUST be on file in the nurse’s office. You can access the forms by clicking the link below:

Asthma Medication Form

Diabetes Medication Form

Prescription Medication Form

Over the Counter Medication Form

Physical Form

 Health Care Plans:

Some students have medical needs that require a health care plan, these needs include but are not limited to: asthma, food & anaphylactic allergies, seizures, diabetes, mental health, migraines, etc. If your child needs a health care plan, please contact me and we can start the process. If your child already has a plan in place, please contact me to update information. Proper documentation must be in place for medical intervention to occur.

Asthma Action Plan

Diabetic Action Plan

Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan

School Health Care Action Plan

Seizure Action Plan

Seizure Questionnaire

Progress reports / Report cards

Students and parents have access to progress reports at any time. Login information is available at the main office. We encourage students and parents to access this resource often to monitor student progress. Final grades are only given at the end of the semester when credit is given. Hard copy reports will be sent out after each semester. Reports may be withheld because of outstanding fines.


Students who are in Grade 7 and 8 shall be promoted to the next grade when they have met, or exceeded the following grade standards for a year’s work.  The yearly grade will be the average of both semester grades.

  1. The student shall have passed three of the four academic areas of English, Social Studies, Math and Science.

  2. The student shall have passed two of the three remaining courses of Vocational Survey, Art/Music, and P.E.

Public Displays of Affection

It is inappropriate for couples to display physical affection between each other beyond that of holding hands in the school environment. To promote a positive learning environment other forms of public affection are distracting to that environment. Students should comply with the 1st request to cease public displays of affection. Students who are asked repeatedly will be subject to the discipline record. 

Safe Schools

Procedures for ensuring a safe environment at Rock River School is outlined in district policy for identifying bullying, sexual harassment and other practices that may create a hostile environment for students. Rock River staff members are trained in providing proper supervision and support for students that may experience one or more of the above named circumstances. Reporting possible violations of bullying and/ or sexual harassment is first in the process. Without this step, it is difficult to assess the rest of the allegation. Students or parents must report the incident as quickly as possible. The administrator will follow the protocol as outlined in school board policy to determine whether there is bullying or not. The same procedure is followed for sexual harassment. 

Scheduling classes

It is the intent of Rock River School to provide a well-rounded education. The programs that are offered at Rock River provide for a wide variety of interests. Rock River however has limited options to accommodate every individual request. To be able to maintain programs students should look for options to meet their needs as closely as possible within the framework of the master schedule. Exceptions to courses outside of the master schedule will not generally be accepted. Circumstances for alternative schedules will only be granted under the criteria determined by the administrator. When scheduling classes students will be required to meet with the counselor or administrator to request schedule changes. Changes of classes must occur within the first week of the semester. Exceptions to the master schedule may include any of the following:

  • Dual enrollment – Students wishing to take dual enrollment classes must have at least a 3.00 GPA and meet the ACT requirement for the course. Dual enrollment courses are courses where the student may earn both high school credit and college credit simultaneously. They are typically online courses and require a great deal of personal motivation to be successful. Administrative approval is also necessary. 

  • Online High School Courses – Students who have exhausted all the possibilities for electives may request the opportunity to take an online course to avoid repeating a class and not receiving credit. Students must be on track for graduation, have a 3.0 GPA. Exceptions will be based on teacher and administrator approval. Students requesting an online course for credit recovery of graduation requirements may take the online course at their own expense. Students requesting an online course in lieu of a graduation requirement may be granted permission at the expense of the student. All course requests outside the master schedule must be reviewed by the counselor and the administrator to determine the appropriateness of the course. All online or independent study courses must either be a direct match with career interests or tied to graduation progress or college preparation. Administrator may deny the request because of behavior violations or other circumstances. 

  • Teachers’ Aides – Requests for teacher aides will only be considered by the administrator. Students must have documented interest in the teaching profession (as documented with the school counselor) , a 3.00 GPA and approval from the administrator and cooperating teacher. (There are FERPA laws that restrict this option) 

  • Academic Interventions – Academic Interventions is a class assigned to students by the administrator and/or teacher. This is only for a documented individualized learning plan. 

Students – 18 Years Old

Students who turn 18 years of age become the guardian of their school records. Parents/guardians must have a release form from their student to have access to student records after the student turns 18. Eighteen-year-old students must have an “Age of Majority” form on file in the office to be allowed to excuse themselves for absences. Students are only allowed to excuse themselves four (4) times a semester. After that you need a medical excuse from the doctor or a written excuse from a parent/guardian.

Transfer to other schools

Students who move during the school year should tell the Office at least two weeks before they leave. They will receive a check out sheet to be signed by all their teachers and receive a grade in each class. They must make sure that all books, fees/fines, and school materials are returned and paid in full.


Only those students earning a cumulative grade point not the weighted Hathaway GPA, average of 3.5 or above may be considered for the positions of class valedictorian and salutatorian.  If only one student in the graduating class has a GPA above a 3.5, they will be valedictorian and salutatorian.  If three or more students have Cumulative GPA’s above 3.5, the top two students will be valedictorian and salutatorian. If the top two students have the same GPA, the student with the highest ACT score will be valedictorian.  If no student in the graduating class has a GPA of 3.5 or above, no valedictorian or salutatorian will be named.  Rather, the senior class, with the class sponsor and principal’s approval, will elect a student to give a senior address. The senior address speech will have to be approved by the principal one week prior to graduation. 

The selection of the Valedictorian and Salutatorian shall be based on a core curriculum and all elective class enrollments. A student must be in attendance at RRHS for a minimum of two semesters.

The Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Students must be enrolled at Rock River High School for two entire semesters to be considered for Valedictorian or Salutatorian. 

  2. Selections will be made 1 week prior to graduation based on all completed coursework and final grades. 

  3. The student receiving the highest cumulative GPA, not the weighted Hathaway GPA,  will be named Valedictorian and the student receiving the second highest GPA will be named Salutatorian. If there is a tie, the tiebreaker will be each student’s ACT score. The student with the higher ACT composite score will be named the valedictorian. If there is still a tie after ACT scores, there will be co-valedictorians.

  4. The Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be determined one week prior to graduation to ensure accuracy. Once the Valedictorian and Salutatorian are selected, no further calculations will be made at the end of the school year.


Parents/Guardians are encouraged to stop in and visit with us any time.  Please check in at the office when you enter the school. Have a form of identification with you when you are visiting the school. We will scan your ID for your visitors pass to be approved and printed. Please adhere to school/district rules and procedures when visiting the building. If you are a volunteer for a class or teacher, we have a volunteer guide document that we ask you to sign. The school reserves the right to refuse access to anyone disrupting a safe and productive learning environment.

Requests to have student visitors will be handled on an individual basis. Students must get permission from all teachers, and the principal.



  1. Any student who is subjected to sexual harassment should report the incident immediately to the principal of the school, a teacher, school counselor, or any staff member.  If the complaint is made to a staff member, the staff member should report it to the principal, Director of Personnel, or Superintendent of Schools.  All complaints of sexual harassment will be investigated in a manner, which protects the complainant and maintains the student’s confidentiality to the greatest extent possible.

  2. The principal, the Director of Personnel, or Superintendent of Schools will investigate the complaint and recommend immediate and appropriate corrective action be taken.  Information about the investigation and the results will be shared with the complainant.  A report will be filed with the Superintendent of Schools summarizing the complaint and the action taken.

Appendix A

Staff / Faculty

Principal …………………………………………………………………………….Stacie Anfinson

Administrative Assistant …………………………………………………………..Tammie Sims

Attendance/ Library Secretary …………………………………………………….…Kim Moore

Athletic Director ………………………………………………………………………Ty Vallier

Building Maintenance Foreman ……………………………………………………Bryon Kerker

Counselor……………………………………………………………………………Colleen Cullinane

Custodian ………………………………………………………………………….Tammy Newkirk

Custodian/Monitor ……………………………………………………………….…Stacey Senske

Monitor………………………………………………………………………………Lydia Moore

Paraprofessional …………………………………………..………………………Leigh Ann Freidrichs

Kitchen ………………………………………………………………….…….…..Brittany Maher

Kitchen…………………………………………………………………………….Sophia Leierer


Kindergarten-1st Teacher …………………………………………………………..…Katie Nichols

Grades 2-3……………………………………………………………………………..Dallie Bowers

Grades 4-5…….………………………………………………………………………..Kelly Vallier

Grades 6………………………………………………………………………………..Jeff Torbert

Title I Teacher ……………………………………………………………….……….Aimee Grosvenor

Resource Teacher …………………………………………………………….………Elissia Peterson


Art K-12………………………………………………………………..……………Haley Myrick

English …………………………………………………………………………..…….Jennifer Bennett

FACS.. ………………………………………………………………………….……...Kim Winters

Mathematics …………………………………………………………………………..Danielle Allen

Music K-12 …………………………………………………………………..………..Marcus Stowe

Physical Education K-12 ………………………………………………………....……. Matt Myrick

Resource …………………………………………………………………..……..…….Baylea Vallier

Science …………………………………………………………………………...……...Alissa Perez

Social Science ….………………………………………………………………..….….…Ian Fromme

Spanish K-12 ……………………………………………………………………..…..….Kason Winters

Vocational/ Agriculture ………………………………………………………..….……….Ty Vallier