LMS School Improvement Plan

Laramie Middle School Improvement Plan 

Section 1: Building Data

School: Laramie Middle School

Plan Date: 10/31/23

Principal: Kevin O’Dea 

District Approval Date (for TSI, WAEA, CSI): 11/1/23

District: Albany #1

Current Identification: Meeting Expectations 

Section 2: Identify Priority Practices

Complete the High-Impact Domains and Practice reflection (see the “Completing the Self-Assessment” section beginning on page 3 of the SIP Guide) and engage in a collaborative discussion about your school’s biggest areas of need. Based on review of the Self-Assessment, record up to three priorities where improvement is needed immediately in the chart below. These are typically practices your team rated as “No Evidence of Implementation” or “Minimal Implementation.”



Self-Assessment Rating

Learning Support 

The school has scheduled time during the school day, and uses a systematic approach (e.g. MTSS) to prevention and intervention, to promptly address academic and behavioral issues for all students.


Section 3: Year-Long Plan

Based on your school’s identified needs, what plan of action will you take in the coming school year? Record your plan for addressing each of the selected Priority Practices in the sections below. 

Part 1: Practice Goals and Related Actions

High-Impact Domain: Professional Development 

Priority Practice #1: The school has scheduled time during the school day, and uses a systematic approach (e.g., MTSS) to prevention and intervention, to promptly address academic and behavioral issues for all students.

Practice Rationale

Provide an explanation for choosing this Practice, including why focusing on this Practice will impact student performance (WAEA indicators). 

Students do not learn at the same rate.  Providing systematic additional time and support for learning during the school day will allow all students to demonstrate their knowledge of essential standards.

  Improvement Strategy 

  • Explain the research-based strategy (or strategies) the school will implement to address this area of need. 

  • Explain how the strategies, in relation to the research, address the needs of your school’s students.

  • Explain how the strategy, in relation to the research, addresses the needs of your school’s adult community members.

LMS teaching teams will develop and implement frequent intervention and extension within the school day for all students.  This will be documented in teams’ PDSA planning guides.

LMS will partner with BHSSC to identify areas of strength and areas of growth as it relates to student support 

  1-Year Adult Practice Goal

Provide a measurable goal aligned to the 


Throughout the 2023-2024 school year,  systematic intervention and extension will be implemented for all students and the results documented. 

Impact on Performance Goals

Describe how the focus on this Practice will impact performance goals. 

Providing systematic intervention and extension will improve student outcomes on WAEA indicators. 

Action Plan for Priority Practices #1

Action Items


Resources Needed

Plan for Measuring 


Teaching teams develop and implement I/E within existing bell schedule 

Ongoing throughout the 2023- 2024 ] school year  

Documentation process for I/E

Team and individual planning time

Collaboration with instructional facilitator

Utilizing the IMC for intervention and extension 

Frequency and effectiveness of embedded I/E will be documented by teaching teams

Professional growth goal tied to high leverage practice HLP 9

Ongoing throughout the 2023- 2024 school year  

Resources related to HLP 9

All certified staff document goal and progress towards goal as part of our district evaluation process 

BHSSC Partnership 

 8/21/23 - 6/5/24

BHSSC Partners

LMS will document areas of strength and areas of growth identified in collaboration with BHSSC.  Teams will leverage strengths and focus on areas of growth in support of student learning. 

Capturing Kids’ Hearts

Ongoing throughout the 2023- 2024 school year

CKH initial and recharge training for staff.  CKH process champions

CKH National Showcase School application

Engagement Strategies (e.g. Kagen, Rhitim, CKH, other) 

Ongoing throughout the 2023- 2024 school year

Staff training

Follow up and support 

Student perception data, teacher reporting, walkthrough observations, implementation of engagement strategies in classrooms

Targeted interventions for students who are ELLs

Ongoing throughout the 2023- 2024 school year

Collaboration time

Monitoring of progress

ELP score on 2023-2024 School performance report

Kagen training and implementation

Training 9/29/23 and 11/7/23. Implementation ongoing throughout the year

Access to Kagen training and materials.  Follow up support. 

Use of Kagen strategies and tools in classrooms during walkthroughs.  Progress towards staff professional growth goals. 

RIDE Pilot

Ongoing throughout the 2023- 2024 school year

Support from 2Revolutions

Participation in RIDE pilot and presentation in Casper during the spring of 2024. 

High-Impact Domain: Learning Support 

Priority Practice #2: Positive relationships and trust are maintained within and between school stakeholder groups (e.g., leaders, teachers, students, staff, families, community).

Practice Rationale

Provide an explanation for choosing this Practice, including why focusing on this Practice will impact student performance (WAEA indicators). 

Positive relationships and trust within and between stakeholder groups will improve student outcomes on WAEA indicators. 

  Improvement Strategy 

  • Explain the research-based strategy (or strategies) the school will implement to address this area of need. 

  • Explain how the strategies, in relation to the research, address the needs of your school’s students.

  • Explain how the strategy, in relation to the research, addresses the needs of your school’s adult community members.

LMS will utilize CKH tools to create and sustain a culture of respect and belonging.

Staff will be trained in and implement Kagan engagement strategies to incorporate cooperative learning in all settings.

  1-Year Adult Practice Goal

Provide a measurable goal aligned to the 


By December 2023, student perception of the emotional climate (students like school, are proud to attend the school, feel welcome at school, and feel like they belong at school) will improve from 47% to 60%.

Impact on Performance Goals

Describe how the focus on this Practice will impact performance goals. 

Positive relationships and trust within and between stakeholder groups will improve student outcomes on WAEA indicators. 

Action Plan for Priority Practice #2

Action Items


Resources Needed

Plan for Measuring Impact/Implementation

  CKH Training

August 23 


CKH National Showcase School application

CKH Support

Ongoing throughout the 2023- 2024 school year


CKH National Showcase School application

Kagen training and implementation

Training 9/29/23 and 11/7/23. Implementation Ongoing throughout the 2023- 2024 school year

Access to Kagen training and materials.  Follow up support. 

Use of Kagen strategies and tools in classrooms during walkthroughs.  Progress towards staff professional growth goals. 


 Ongoing throughout the 2023- 2024 school year

Access to Rhitim

Frequently measure students’ perception using Rhithim will allow us to track how students are doing as a whole and to intervene for all students globally and with individual students who are struggling. 

Major Clarity 

Ongoing throughout the 2023- 2024 school year

Access to Major Clarity

Using Major Clarity to connect school activities to students’ long-term plans will improve students’ perception of school and support progress towards the Wyoming portrait of a graduate. 

High-Impact Domain: 

Priority Practice #3: 

Practice Rationale

Provide an explanation for choosing this Practice, including why focusing on this Practice will impact student performance (WAEA indicators). 

  Improvement Strategy 

  • Explain the research-based strategy (or strategies) the school will implement to address this area of need. 

  • Explain how the strategies, in relation to the research, address the needs of your school’s students.

  • Explain how the strategy, in relation to the research, addresses the needs of your school’s adult community members.

  1-Year Adult Practice Goal

Provide a measurable goal aligned to the 


Impact on Performance Goals

Describe how the focus on this Practice will impact performance goals. 

Action Plan for Priority Practice #3

Action Items


Resources Needed

Plan for Measuring Impact/Implementation










Part 2: Student-Focused Performance Goals

Fill in your school’s performance goals for each category that is required (based on your school’s designation). 

WAEA School Performance Goals

1 Year Performance  Goal

(insert a numeric goal)

WAEA Weighted Average Indicator Score (0.0-3.0) 2021-2022 = 2.0


Achievement (Numeric value) 2022-2023 = 65


Growth (Numeric value) 2022-2023 = 57


Equity (Numeric value) 2022-2023 = 55


EL Progress (Numeric value) 2022-2023  = 25


For High Schools Only

Extended Graduation Rate (Numeric value)

Post-Secondary Readiness (Numeric value)

Grade Nine Credits (Numeric value)

ESSA School Performance Goals

1 Year Performance  Goal

(insert a numeric goal)

ESSA Average Indicator Score (0.0-3.0) 2022-2023 = 2.3


Achievement (Numeric value) 2022-2023= 66.7


Growth (Numeric value)  2022-2023 = 57


Equity (Numeric value)  2022-2023 = 55.8


EL Progress (Numeric value)  2022-2023 = 25


For High Schools Only

Four year on-time graduation rate (Numeric value)

Post-Secondary Readiness (Numeric value)

WAEA Alternative School Performance Goals 

1 Year Performance  Goal

(insert a numeric goal)

Achievement (Numeric value)

Growth (Numeric value)

School Climate (Numeric value)

Engagement (Numeric value)

For High Schools Only

High School Credential Rate (Numeric value)

Credit Earning (Numeric value)

College and Career Readiness (Numeric value)

Content Area Performance Goals

1 Year Performance  Goal

 (% Proficient or Above)


6th: 73%

7th: 64%

8th: 70%

School: 69%


6th: 75%

7th: 67%

8th: 73%

School: 72%


6th: 71%

7th: 60%

8th: 62%

School: 58%


6th: 74%

7th: 63%

8th: 65%

School: 67%


8th: 55%


8th: 58%

Section 4: Plan Submission

Part 1: Plan Summary

Fill in the table below with information from Section 4, Part 1 (Practice Goals and Related Actions) 

Priority Practice

Associated High-Impact Domain

Current Self-Assessment Rating

Practice Goal

 The school has scheduled time during the school day, and uses a systematic approach (e.g., MTSS) to prevention and intervention, to promptly address academic and behavioral issues for all students.

 Learning Support


Throughout the 2023-2024 school year,  systematic intervention and extension will be implemented for all students and the results documented. 

Positive relationships and trust are maintained within and between school stakeholder groups (e.g., leaders, teachers, students, staff, families, community).

School Climate and Culture


By December 2023, student perception of the emotional climate (students like school, are proud to attend the school, feel welcome at school, and feel like they belong at school) will improve from 47% to 60%.

Part 2: Plan Contributors

Provide the names and roles of the individuals who contributed to the creation of this plan in the tables below. 

Leadership Team Member Name


Kevin O’Dea


David McIrvin

Assistant Principal

Kimberly Burkhart

Assistant Principal 

Ron Ryan

BLT Representative

Emily Cuin

BLT Representative

Travis Miller 

BLT Representative

Pamela Heuschkel

BLT Representative

Anne Moore

BLT Representative

Jeff O’Brien

BLT Representative

Cody Bennett

BLT Representative

Jared Krysl

BLT Representative

Rhonda Johnson

BLT Representative

Sarah Haff

BLT Representative

Katy Hoffman 

BLT Representative 

District School Improvement Representative Name


Dr. John Goldhardt 

ACSD1 Superintendent