
Please click the link below to access Fall Sports Information Presentation

Parent Sports Information

Please register your Athlete at the link provided in the presentation above

Practice time 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 pm on August 19, 2024 - PARENT MEETING FOLLOWING PRACTICE AT THE EQUIPMENT SHED

2024 FALL Football Schedule

**Students must use District/School provided equipment and uniforms. Our helmets are certified, inspected, reconditioned, and replaced (as necessary) annually by Chris Bachmann at Harco. If we do not have a helmet that properly fits your child, we will expedite the process and get a helmet here that will properly fit them. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact David McIrvin at Laramie Middle School. **

PLEASE NOTE: Parents that have invested in buying a helmet for their student can sign a waiver for them to use that helmet. You must provide the certification that states that the helmet meets the requirements and sign the waiver prior to using the helmet. You need to turn in the certification for the helmet and sign the waiver with the coach.

Offered to 7th & 8th grade students

*Practice for both grades is at 3:05pm Monday- Friday, unless there is a game.


8th Grade:

Handbook with Remind 24-25

Head Coach: Jared Krysl

Assistant Coaches: Tony Shingleton, Craig Hope

8th Grade Game Roster

7th Grade:

Handbook with Remind 24-25

Head Coach: Sean Baker

Assistant Coaches: Joe Adams, Jay Wright

7th Grade Game Roster

2024 FALL Football Schedule

*All games are subject to change. We will notify families and update the website regularly.

According to ACSD#1 policy, before being allowed to participate, all athletes must have on file in the Laramie Middle School Main Office:

Sports Physical (the sports physical must be fully completed on both sides and include signatures and insurance information) Dated after May 1st of the current school year. When printing Sports Physicals, select Fit to printable page to insure printing the document in it's entirerty.

***Please do not have your doctor fax us the physical, it is a two sided document

Sports Physical that needs to be completed & signed by parents/guardians. ***

LMS Code Of Conduct that has been signed by both the student and parent/guardian.

Other items required by LMS are as follows:

A copy of current immunizations must be on file in the nurse’s office before the first game/meet of the season.

Online PowerSchool registration must be completed before the first game/meet of the season, otherwise your student will not be eligible to travel.

Home School or Virtual Academy students wishing to participate in LMS Sports must fill out the appropriate Wyoming High School Activities Association form and include a check for $7.00 at the time of registration. We will send it to the WHSAA for you.

Parents/Guardians wishing to have their child ride home with them after an out of town game need to sign our Travel Release Form and leave it with the coach.