
The Act Test

Each Spring, all Juniors at Laramie High School will take the ACT. In addition, Laramie High School is a testing site for National ACT Test Dates.

Overview Of The Act

The ACT is a standardized exam used as an admissions benchmark by colleges and universities.

Naviance Act Test Prep

Free online ACT Test Prep is available to all Laramie High School students. For more information about Naviance, click here.

Wy-topp Testing

Each Fall and Spring, students in grades 9 and 10 take WY-TOPP assessments in their Core classrooms in areas including ELA, Mathematics, Science and Writing

Psat/nmsqt Testing

Each Fall Laramie High School hosts the PSAT/NMSQT for Sophomores and Juniors who elect to take the test. The PSAT/NMSQT is the first step that Juniors take to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Competition. Sophomores are allowed to take the test but their scores do not qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. Seats are always limited, so talk to your friendly LHS counselor to make sure you sign up early.