The Albany County School Board met on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 and approved the following personnel recommendations, program actions, business items, and policy changes:

  • Personnel Recommendations: The School Board reviewed and approved the monthly

    personnel actions including resignations, retirements, extra duty assignments, additional

    duties, classified appointments, and certified appointments.

  • School District Business Items and Bids

    • Monthly Financial Report

    • Federal and State Grants Financial Report

    • Donations:

      • The School Board approved a $1,000 donation to the LHS Dance Team from Isborn Security Services.

      • The School Board approved a $2,500 donation from Ross to Linford Elementary School.

      • The School Board approved a $5,000 donation to Linford from the Wyoming Hunger Initiative.

    • Bids:

      • The School Board approved a bid from Eagle Plumbing in the amount of $43,315.16 to replace the boiler heat exchange at Laramie Middle School. This will be paid for out of major maintenance funds.

  • Early Graduation Request: The School approved the proposed early graduation requests.

  • Strategic Vision: The School Board Approved the proposed Strategic Vision.

  • WSBA Delegate: The School Board approved Trustee Nate Martin as the WSBA delegate.

  • Policies Approved on First Reading:

  • Policies Approved on Second Reading: No policies were approved on second reading.

  • Policies Adopted on Third Reading: No policies were adopted on third reading.

  • Policies Reviewed: No policies were reviewed

In addition to the approval of programs, policies, and bids, the School Board heard the following presentations and recognitions:


Jordan Sauer Presentationo Jordan Sauer, Spring Creek Art Teacher, presented the work he does in and out of the classroom to showcase the positive impact art has on students

Shawn Hime Presentationo Chief Information and Cybersecurity Officer, Shawn Hime, presented the importance of cybersecurity and what actions ACSD#1 is taking to help protect employee and student data.


WHSAA Sportsmanship Awardo Andrew Ballard and Noah Kirsch earned the WHSAA Good Sportsmanship award during their football game on September 6th.

DonellaEOPo Donella Romero and Garret Havig were awarded the Excellence on Purpose Award for their exceptional work and dedication to ACSD#1 staff and students.